Saturday, April 4, 2009

Abundant Life

Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder?---Van Morrison
Jesus said that He came to give us life, abundant life. What does this look like? Does it have anything to do with cars, money, nice houses, fame, dreams, etc...? Did He die on a cross so we could find a parking place at the mall? Did He wear a crown of thorns so that we could claim whatever we want in His name? I don't think the abundant life He came to give us has anything to do with those things. If we want to see what abundant life looks like, we simply must gaze upon a crucifix. How is this abundant life? It is the perfect picture of detachment, it is the perfect picture of surrender and trust. It is the perfect picture of love to the fullest! It is the perfect picture of freedom! Jesus said this is the greatest love, to lay down one's life for another. This is abundant life! Christ have mercy!

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