Tuesday, April 21, 2009


After Jesus had taken the wine, he said, "It is finished." Then he bowed his head and released his spirit.--John 19:30
Jesus was convicted as a criminal by a kangaroo court. He was falsely accused. He was slapped in the face. His beard was pulled out! He was beaten to a bloody pulp. He was forced to carry a beam weighing over 100 pounds up a steady incline. He was laughed at. He was spat upon. His mother watched all of this. He was laughed at!, scorned. He was a failure! He died between two common robbers. Failure! If we saw someone like this today on the news, and we saw the report that this person claimed to be God, or the son of God, we would think, "What a loser! What a mixed up person." ..... This is Who we must die to our sinful, self righteous, prideful selves for! We have no idea what He really wants of us! Are we really ready to follow this Jesus? It might be confusing, mysterious, beguiling, frustrating, joyful, radical, and sorrowful. Yes, I promise you, if we follow Jesus, it will be all of this. If it isn't, then we are following our egos.

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