Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Your Will be done..

When I am lifted up I will draw all men to myself.--Jesus
Moses lifted the serpent up in the desert so the people could gaze upon it and be healed from the deadly bite of the snakes. Jesus is lifted up so we can gaze upon Him and be healed from our sins, and our bent to sin. St. Paul said,"I knew nothing among you but Jesus Christ.. crucified." He said, "Let us boast only in the cross..." Jesus said for us to deny ourselves, to daily take up our cross, and to follow Him. This instrument of shame, torture,brutality, pity, humiliation, and death, is now our glory! We must ask for grace to embrace the one we have been given. It is hard to do, in fact, some days it seems impossible. We cry for God to take this cup from us, to let it pass. But now, because He went before us, by grace we repeat His words as best we can, "But not my will Father, Your will be done."

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