Sunday, April 12, 2009

He has risen!

You rub your palm on the grimy pane in the hope that you can see. ( when you're waiting) You stand up proud and pretend you're strong, in the hope that you can be ( when you're waiting) the ones who've died, like the one's who've cried, trying to set the angel in us free,,,, when you're waiting for a miracle.--Bruce Cockburn

Aren't we all always waiting for some kind of miracle? If we are not, maybe we should be. Our God is God! He is Other. (mind boggling). Yet, He took on flesh, He gained a Body through the Virgin Mary. This is all so incredible, so beyond our imagining. But we can not only know it is true, we can eat this Body of His, and drink this Blood of His. Amazing! But still, we are all waiting for that particular miracle today, this day, 2009. We are all waiting on something to help us out of this mire and mess we find ourselves, even at Easter. Maybe we have a relative who is a victim of abuse and won't seek help. Maybe we ourselves are addicted to drink, food, praise, or drugs. Maybe we are depressed and feel hopeless. These feelings are nothing new to Jesus. We can lean upon His breast like the beloved disciple John, and find Him looking deeply into our bloodshot eyes. He is waiting to give us the miracle we need, and it has nothing to do with money, things, or dreams. It has to do with our redemption, and the redemption of our false ideas of Who He really Is; and, who we really are in His eyes. He has come to set us free. He has come to teach us the infinite beauty of detachment. He has come to save us so that we might be with Him forever. He is risen!


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