Monday, July 6, 2009


The dark door of time, of the future, has been thrown open. The one who has hope lives differently, the one who hopes has been given a new life.--Pope Benedict the 16, from his book, "Saved in Hope"
our certainty lies in the hope we are given in the gospel, the cross, the empty tomb.
we are not that much less lost than anyone else breathing the air of this good earth. 
it is helpful to remember this often as we follow try to follow our mysterious Savior.
hope gives us our faith, and a deep reverence for our time here.
our "faith gives us gives us confidence in the things hoped for", to quote the writer of Hebrews.
we must not allow our faith to become about "what is mine", or, "How blessed I am", or, "I got my ticket to heaven!" , this is incredibly shallow and missing the point.
we are people of hope and humility first, we have hope in the mercy and love of the Father of Jesus.
think of what this means, think of the joy before us, let us live in a loving fear of God,
 and breathe.

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