Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Cashier's Perspective

Nothing is as boring as it seems.
The monotony of scanning items and small talk
The coeds who never stop yapping on their cell phones no matter what
The soundtrack of songs chosen because of the appeal to the buying demographic
They keep coming and coming, buying more and more food
It is amazing what we consume in a small town
It is bizarre to think of a big city like Chicago and its consumption
Today a man kept yelling at his small son, badgering the boy who wanted a certain candy
I felt as much for the man as the boy in some way
He seemed unable to communicate in any other fashion, as if he was trapped somehow
Everyone was uncomfortable, and I sensed in myself what many were thinking, "He is not a fit parent!"
I could see it in the condeming eyes of the upscale housewives buying their beer and avocados
Their is so much drama in the human condition
Nothing is as boring as it seems.

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