Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July Tomatoes

simple things are the best things i believe
raw garlic and olive oil
fresh cilantro, curry, cayenne pepper
i have a friend who carries cayenne with him whenever he leaves the house
this is a good idea, i have started doing this and all foods benefit greatly.
but a ripe red homegrown mississippi tomato can make a grown man cry
the flavor makes store bought tomatoes a curiosity
this morning i sliced a fresh one borrowed from a neighbors vine and sprinkled a little sea salt with crushed black pepper, not too much,
i added to the plate a dab of mayonnaise then covered the mayo with cayenne for dipping
i threw in a few fresh cayenne peppers from my neighbors garden too, such a nice man
this is so good it will make you slap your momma!
my grandmother use to say this about such foods
especially july tomatoes
for Phil Keaggy

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