Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"which christian are you talking about?"

the bible is not the Word of God
Jesus is the Word of God
we do not worship a book
we worship the Giver of the book
and the One revealed in the book
we must read the bible often
but we must not read it without guidance from the Holy Spirit
if we read it in isolation, interpreting it alone, we run the risk of starting a church
 one not built on St. Peter
the bible read without the authority of the Church Jesus built on St. Peter makes the bible the most dangerous book in the world
we see the fruit of this everywhere
much of christianity has become something unrecognizable and non distinct
it has become a plethora of individual interpretations and bizarre denominations
"it makes little difference to call oneself a christian in our day.", the old man said,
"which christian are you talking about?"

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