Monday, February 16, 2009

Control Freaks

In my weakness I am strong...---St. Paul
To wait with openness and trust is an enormously radical attitude toward life. It is choosing to hope that something is happening for us that is far beyond our own imaginings. It is giving up control over our future and letting God define our life.---Fr. Henri J.M. Nouwen, from his book, "Finding my Way Home"
 It is as if St. Paul is saying, "When I am red then I am blue."  It makes no sense to our way of thinking to say that "when I am weak then I am strong." But this is the way of God. God's ways are not our ways. Humility is stronger than pride. Kindness is stronger than anger. A whisper is always heard more clearly than a scream. I think what St. Paul may be saying is that "when I am not in control of the situation, then the situation has a chance of working out God's way."  If we are trusting God with our lives, then we have to give up something, Control. It does not mean that we lie on the couch and wonder 'what if?' It means we walk out into the choices we make with confidence in God to do what He wants in us as we lay our desires before Him. This is a radical way to live, which will always lead to trial and heartbreak, it will always lead to a cross. Just like Jesus. Which by God's grace at some point will lead to an empty tomb. This is not a life for control freaks.

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