Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We Live.

If you have not understood the value of "humble means", then you do not understand the depth of Christianity at all.---Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer, from his masterpiece, "The Gift Of Faith"
We could know every theological teaching to the letter. It would mean nothing without humility!! For without humility, there is no love. St. Paul said that Jesus humbled Himself to the point of death, "even death on a cross." The paradox is that once we think we are humble, then, we are no longer humble. So, how do we do this? We gaze upon the crucifix. We study His passion. We pray the Rosary daily. We spend time alone with Him in the Tabernacle. We give our time to those in jail, in nursing homes, in trouble. We stop thinking only of ourselves, even when we are thinking about ourselves. We give. We die. We live. We fight! We ask Jesus to have mercy on our sinful souls. Then we rejoice that we are loved. There is nothing on this earth to compare with following Him.

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